Thursday, March 19, 2009

Are you ready ??????????

Do you have a good flashlight?
Do you know it's present location?

I only ask because most people don't
have either answer.....

Don't go all Rambo on the survival thing...


Every one should have in the garage or the
bottom of the closet near the front door the

1-Large Rubbermaid storage container.....
filled with:
1-First Aid Kit
1-Bottle Bayer asprin
1-Gallon bleach
2- Gallons water
1-Knife and hand tools
1-Hand axe
1-folding camp shovel
1-flashlight {lED} {Solar}
1-Good blanket
1-10 pac BIC lighters
4- Rolls toilet paper
1- rain coat
1-Box large plastic trash bags
1-50' rope 1/2" or better
3-Bars Ivory soap
1-Good can opener
1-cooking pot stainless
1-Fork and spoon
1-Radio {Solar, battery, hand crank}
1- Compass and map
1-Book on how to survive {if needed}
Food canned or dry
Pasta is light and keeps, cans are heavy
so keep it down to basic needs....

You get the idea. I could live outside for weeks
with what is in that rubbermaid. Guns are good
if you are inclined...

These items are the things everyone should
already have. Snow storms, power outages and
any other minor disruptions to your food or saftey
should be a no brainer.

If you have more people you need more stuff but
make sure you can carry what you have. {If you
have to}

This is the very least everyone should have at

Do you ???????????????

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I will still try........

The guy I want to help with this post.
Said America sucks...
and he is raising a mast and going to
"Kon-tiki around his pool"
"Dive for Teasures"
"Win the Bacardi and coke marathon,
and Sky dive at the Mustang Ranch."

I would go with him, but I am busy.........

Anyone up North see that moon ???

From Pittsburgh nice!!!!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

I still can not get people....


I used to like Al Gore.....
I agree with him that the internal combustion
engine should have been gone long ago...

But this carbon farse for greed thing.....
Shoots the planet in the foot......

This is the warmists extortion story.......

Mankind is committing a crime against Earth...
But if mankind is willing to pay enough the
warmists will make it go away.

If it is a crime "MAKE IT A CRIME "
Don't say it's ok if you just pay us.....

Could you imagine what the reaction would be
if you had proof that this was real.

The whole world would mobilize.....

They are not because it is not real......

Oil rip off or CO2 rip off it is still a lie........

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'll put out my "I'm a nut theory".........

And you guys that know the science
can mull this one over.

If the sun became active enough to
react with our magnetic poles and started
to split the H and the O from all the H2O on
the planet "What would you get ?"

This is funny because someone wrote it down....

Fire and brim stone...

Followed by "and get this"

A big Flood

Is there evidence that this may have happened
on this planet before? Yes

Is it possible that ancient cultures where told
this by the survivors of such an event? Yes

Is it possible that the hydrogen the sun is
burning got combined with the oxygen rich young
planet earth and made all this water by fire? Yes

Is it possible that this happens on a regular cycle
as we move around the galaxy? Yes

Don't get me wrong I love nuts "Cashews"

Ok lets seperate the nuts........

The New World Order Nuts

The new world order is the old world order
The banks control the world..........

The Nibiru will hit our planet nuts

Don't you think it would have hit us in say
the last million years or so........

The they are building camps to lock us up nuts

300 million people " really"
Who would make money from that.

The marshal law nuts

This country was built in rebellion

If I had to bet on it. I would say any real form of
danger to the people of earth would be in the form
of some natural cycle that we just don't have
enough information on.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Start getting ready.......

Here are the warning signs.........

The government no longer cares about.....

War on Drugs........
Violent crime..........
Court systems.........
Prison systems........

Or being held accountable for their actions...

It is like these things no longer matter.........

Hold on to your seat.....