Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'll put out my "I'm a nut theory".........

And you guys that know the science
can mull this one over.

If the sun became active enough to
react with our magnetic poles and started
to split the H and the O from all the H2O on
the planet "What would you get ?"

This is funny because someone wrote it down....

Fire and brim stone...

Followed by "and get this"

A big Flood

Is there evidence that this may have happened
on this planet before? Yes

Is it possible that ancient cultures where told
this by the survivors of such an event? Yes

Is it possible that the hydrogen the sun is
burning got combined with the oxygen rich young
planet earth and made all this water by fire? Yes

Is it possible that this happens on a regular cycle
as we move around the galaxy? Yes

Don't get me wrong I love nuts "Cashews"

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